Monday 23 February 2015

Server and Workstations

One of the major benefits of implementation of LAN is sharing expensive resources such as storage devices, printers, etc. This is achieved through providing servers on  the LAN.  It is dedicated computer that controls one or more resources.  This contains both hardware and software interface  for LAN.  Three major categories of services used in LANs are.

  • File Server
  • Printer Server
  • Modem Server
In networking file server is used to share storage for files.  Besides providing storage space for files in a LAN environment, it is used for taking periodical backup, and also to provide gateway to other servers with and between LANs.  Similarly printer server is used to handle printing works of all workstation connected in the network or simply to use a telephone.  A modem server is used to share this expensive resource by all connected workstations in a network ring.


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